Setting up a Company in Korea Registration of Company ($4400/company) (registration tax, notary fee not included) Registration of Business Getting Office Site Monthly Legal Consulting ($1100/month) Registration of Company (differs from Registration of Business) You need 1. Driver’s License of your country – or other document to verify your address in your country 2. Passport 3. Bank(in Korea Local) Account Certificate – We will indicate If you want to get investment visa in Korea(D-8-1) You need 1. Bank(in Korea Local) Account Certificate with amount of KRW100,000,000(about $100K) – We will indicate 2. Summary of your business Notary needed (I shall make you all these documents) 1. Articles of Company (Korean) 2. Executive Inauguration Consent…
오늘은 해외업무에 대해서 이야기해볼까 합니다. 영어로 이야기하면 더 좋긴 하겠는데, 일단은 한국말로 해볼까 합니다. 한국이 너무 좋아서 한국에 비자를 얻고 싶다는 친구를 도와주었습니다. 이 친구가…
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